Newsletter Archives: April 1999

04/01/99 Member Benefits

In addition to the great return you get from the AFM-Employers Pension Fund when you retire, there are also pre-retirement benefits that you might not know about. Call us for more details.

Pension Fund death benefit

If you should die before you begin receiving your monthly retirement benefit, your beneficiary will receive an amount equal to from 65 to 100 times what your monthly retirement payment would have been if you had retired at age 65 (but no less than $2000-or $4000 if your death was accidental). Even if you are not vested, your beneficiary may still be eligible for the $2000/$4000 amount.

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04/01/99 Symphonic Shorts

Dealing With Management...

Hands-on with Palm Beach Opera

992sympho1.gifIt began about a year ago. A committee was formed to unite the Palm Beach Opera Orchestra musicians and get them talking to each other outside the opera pit. Their first official function was to hold a social gathering at chair Mik Groninger’s house last April.

Since that time the committee has done extensive research on the Opera’s financial status (public record because of their nonprofit status) and their relationship with the orchestra, as well as the relationship between other opera orchestras and their respective managements across the country. They also researched the orchestra members themselves, and were pleased to find that more than a healthy majority were interested in Union representation.

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04/01/99 Recording Rap

Movie Sidelining

The past few months have been busy. I’ve been getting calls for sidelining rates for movie work and commercials (Random Hearts with Harrison Ford was filmed in Miami in January, with Local 655 members sidelining). Swing bands are in particular demand. If any members are interested in doing castings for commercials please call me at the local and I will put you on a list. The casting process (or "Go See’s") are time consuming but can be profitable for yourself or for your group.

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04/01/99 Casual Corner

The Music Performance Trust Fund survived the recent recording negotiations, but over the years funds have been reduced from their one-time peak of $20 million to about half of that amount. In an effort to reduce dependence on the recording industry, MPTF Trustee John Hall has established new policies, effective for the next season. He hopes that high-visibility programs at the local, regional, and national levels will attract new partnerships with corporate and government sponsors. Effective May 1, 1999:

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04/01/99 Member Feedback

Attn: Lisa Fox, Vice President

Many thanks for the materials you sent re the Dixie Dawgs’ appearance in Homestead. I have been a member of the Musicians Union for over 50 years and you are the most responsive representative with whom I have ever dealt. Just great!!

Sincerely, Ed Carhart (via e-mail)

04/01/99 Official Business

March Life Member Meeting News

The Life Members Meeting held on March 1 at the Local offices had quite a turnout. Present were about 25 members, including benefactor Rick Ricciardelli and former President Alan Kole. The meeting went on for almost 2 hours, and food trays and beverages were provided courtesy of Ricciardelli. Members had a chance to discuss Life Member concerns with President Graves, including the possibility of creating an Inactive Life Member category and reducing annual dues.

Next Meeting: Wednesday May 5 at 1:00 at the Local

04/01/99 Treasurer's Report

Annual Membership

Things are progressing, slowly but surely. As of April 1, we have 524 Regular Members and 257 Life Members (a total of 781). We also just suspended about 150 members for failure to pay annual dues.

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04/01/99 President's Report

…Certainly not the most interesting subject, but one of critical concern is the idea of the newsletter as our main means of communication. All of our important notices and deadlines are presented in large, bold typeface in an attempt to bring it to your attention. When we have to constantly answer the same questions just addressed in the most recent newsletter, it’s a disservice to your own hard-earned dues. We have a long way to go in improving our service to the membership, but we do make a huge effort to get you the information you need in a timely manner. PLEASE READ THE NEWSLETTER

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