That Union Thing

A British tribunal has ruled that Uber drivers are employees and not self-employed contractors. The ruling makes the drivers entitled to holiday pay, rest breaks, and the national minimum wage.

Truck drivers and warehouse workers in Los Angeles staged a strike to draw attention to wage theft and labor law violations. The strike was coordinated with the effective date of President Obama's Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order. The Order requires companies bidding on federal contracts to disclose wage, safety, health, collective bargaining, family and medical leave, and civil rights violations from the past three years. Those violations can be taken into consideration when the government decides to award contracts.

The Worker Institute at Cornell, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the AFL-CIO, and other partner organizations have launched Jornaler@. Jornaler@ is a mobile application for day laborers to record and share data, which can be used to prevent wage theft and labor rights violations and expedite the processing of claims.