That Union Thing

The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization has passed a non-binding resolution directing the state of Florida to hire Broward County businesses and workers to rebuild I-595.

The $1.2 billion project will be done by a consortium led by Madrid, Spain-based ACS Infrastructure. ACS will also be responsible for maintaining the interstate until 2044.

In response to a CBS4 News investigation, the Miami City Commission has stated that it will hold employers hiring foreign workers under H2B visas accountable. CBS4 News recently reported on CYVSA International hiring foreign sheet metal workers for the St. Regis project in Bal Harbour, while local resident sheet metal workers remained unhired and unemployed.

The Port of Los Angeles has implemented the Clean Trucks Program, which in addition to requiring polluting trucks to be phased out, eliminates the practice of owner-operator truck drivers and requires shipping companies to treat all of their drivers as employees by 2012.