South Florida Musicians to Leaflet Beauty and the Beast

Disney Flagship Theatrical "Beauty and the Beast" Provides Substandard Compensation to its Musicians

The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM) has begin a leafleting campaign against NETworks Presentations, LLC's production of the musical Beauty and the Beast.
Tour producer NETworks Presentations has chosen not to contract touring musicians at rates of pay and with benefits that are acceptable to professional musicians. Instead, NETworks has engaged non-AFM musicians at substandard rates of pay and under substandard working conditions. In addition, the Disney musical will be presented using a pit orchestra of only 11 musicians, despite the fact that 26 are called for in the original, award-winning Broadway score.

The AFM intends to make the public aware that theatre patrons are paying for a premium theatre experience, but the reduced orchestra of underpaid musicians will result in a watered-down version of the musical. "Without use of the full orchestration that the composer intended, musicians suffer, and theatre patrons are unable to experience the quality show they believe they have paid for," says AFM International President Ray Hair. "When the quality of the product is cut, no one wins."

  • What: Beauty and the Beast Informational Leaflet
  • When: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 from 7-8 PM
  • Where: Arsht Center, Miami