Official Business


AGENDA: Resolutions to amend the Bylaws

OLD BUSINESS: Resolution to eliminate the Life Insurance Benefit (postponed at 9/22 meeting)


Resolution 1

Whereas fulfillment of the duties of officers requires them to work outside normal business hours, and

Whereas Officers should be responsible to the membership for fulfilling their duties without regard to clock hours, be it

Resolved, the following amendments:

· Article VII Section 2 (g) Duties of President/Secretary: He/She shall be in his office daily from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays and those times he is on local union business outside of his office.

· Article VII Section 3 (f) Duties of the Vice President: He/She shall be in Local 655’s office a minimum of twenty-two (22) hours per week.

· Article VII Section 4 () Duties of the Treasurer: There shall be a Treasurer who shall be in the office no less than 10 hours per week whose duties are defined below:

· NEW Article VII Section 10 Officers: [Officers shall submit a monthly report of their activities to the Executive Board]

· Article VII Section 11 Officers: If, in the opinion of the working rank and file (determined by a petition signed by 100 members [in good standing] who have earned no less than $5,000 in scale wages working under AFM contracts the previous calendar year in Local 655’s jurisdiction) the President/Secretary [an Officer] fails to fulfill the obligations of service as provided under these Bylaws, the Federation [Local Executive Board] shall, upon receipt of such petition initiate a preliminary investigation no later than two weeks from the date of receiving such petition. This investigation shall determine the validity of the complaint and shall advise the local President/Secretary [officer] as to what corrections should be made to ensure that obligations of service are fulfilled. If it is determined that the local President/Secretary [officer] fails to fulfill the obligations of service, then procedures [a recommendation shall be made to the International Executive Board] for removal from office shall be initiated immediately.

Resolution 2

Whereas the office clerk is an appointed position accountable to the Officers and not to the membership, and

Whereas defining the duties of the Office Clerk in the Bylaws restricts the Local’s flexibility in meeting its operational needs, be it

Resolved, Article VII Section 6 Office Clerk be DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY

Resolution 3

Whereas the following sections are no longer applicable or unenforceable or redundant, be it

Resolved, that the following sections be DELETED IN THEIR ENTIRETY:

· Article VII Section 7

· Article XVII Section 1

· Article XVII Section 5

· Article XVII Section 6

· Article XVII Section 7 and be it further

Resolved that Article XVII Section 8 be amended as follows: "All engagements in the jurisdiction of the local are subject to contributions to the American Federation of Musicians and Employers Pension Fund (AFM-EP Fund) in the amount of eight percent (8%) of the [specified by the] Scale Wages for such engagements. In implementation of this provision the AFM approved form contract to be utilized by member shall contain the appropriate language to provide for contributions to the AFM-EP Fund. The enforcement of this section of the Bylaws is subject to applicable public law governing Employee Pension Funds." And be it further

Resolved that Article XVIII Section 2 be amended as follows: "The Wage Scale List shall contain the minimum wages [,benefits, and Pension rates] and prices for the various types of musical services performed in the jurisdiction of the Local, and shall also contain the classification of the various establishments in the jurisdiction of the Local."

Resolution 4

Whereas information regarding individual musicians' salaries should be confidential and does not belong on Local Engagement Contracts but rather on Engagement Reports filed at the Local, be it

Resolved that Article XVII Section 2 be amended as follows: "A member/contractor is required to file a contract on an AFM approved form with the office of the President/Secretary for any steady engagement before the start of such engagement. Each such contract must be filled out in full, including the names of all sidepersons, wages to be paid same and applicable contributions to the AFM-EP Fund. And be it further

Resolved that Article XVII Section 3 be amended as follows: "A member/contractor is required to file a contract or written engagement report with the office of the President/Secretary prior to the performance of any miscellaneous engagement. In the case of a miscellaneous engagement secured on the day of such engagement where it is impossible for the member/contractor to file a contract or written report of engagement as required herein, the member/contractor must report the engagement in advance to an official of the Local via telephone and then file a contract or written report of engagement within three days following the engagement. All contracts and written reports of engagements for miscellaneous engagements must provide the date, place and hours of the engagement, the total price of the engagement, the name of the employer/purchaser, the name of the booking agent, if any, and the names and wages to be paid to all sidepersons plus any applicable contributions to the AFM-EP Fund"

Resolution 5

Whereas payment requirements should apply whether checks are mailed directly to the members or left at the Local, be it

Resolved, that Article VI Section 14 be amended as follows: "Any member who has performed an engagement for a leader or contractor and who has not been paid for his/her services within fourteen days of the engagement may file a claim for payment with the President/Secretary. Any leader or contractor who fails to pay a member for an engagement within fourteen days of the performance date shall be subject to disciplinary action except in the event of extenuating circumstances which have been reported to the Local within fourteen days of the performance date. Leaders or contractors shall make payments to members In a manner that will not require any expenditure of time, effort and/or money on the part of the member. This shall not apply to checks left at the Local for distribution to members."

Resolution 6

Whereas the number of on-site visits is defined in Article VII Section 2(n) be it

Resolved that Article VII Section 2 be amended as follows: "He/She shall act as Business Representative and Symphonic Representative and in this capacity shall make a minimum number of on-sight visits. This minimum number of visits shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Resolution 7

Whereas the current attendance policy for Executive Board members is vague due to flexible numbers of Board meetings per year, be it

Resolved that Article VII Section 5 (a) be amended as follows: "It shall meet a minimum of eight times per year and on special call of the President/Secretary. It shall have authority to set the day, hour and place of its meetings, except for those on special call of the President/Secretary. A majority of members of the Executive Board present shall constitute a quorum. Members are required to attend six Board Meetings per year or their office will be declared vacant." And further be it

Resolved that Article VII Section 5 (i) be amended as follows: "Any Executive Board member absent from three (3) consecutive Executive Board meetings [per year], except for illness, vacation, or absence excused by the President/Secretary, shall have his/her office declared vacant."

Resolution 8

Whereas only the President/Secretary is employed full-time and past policy has been to grant vacation time to all employees based on the average number of hours worked per week, be it

Resolved that Article VII Section 8 be amended as follows: "Any officer or staff member engaged full-time by the local shall be entitled to two weeks annual paid vacation. In their fifth and following years of service, they shall be entitled to three weeks annual paid vacation."

Resolution 9

Whereas Local headquarters cannot accommodate a large membership meeting be it

Resolved that Article IX Section 1 (b) be amended as follows: "Nominations for all officers and delegates to Conventions and Conferences of the AFM shall be held biennially during the third week of September of each odd numbered year at a special membership meeting for that purpose alone. The meeting shall be held at the local headquarters [or a central location approved by the Executive Board] and shall be called to order at a day and time set by the Executive Board which shall avoid schedule conflicts as best as possible, regardless of any quorum requirement provided elsewhere in these bylaws."

Resolution 10

Whereas the nature of much of the musical work in south Florida is seasonal, and

Whereas many members leave south Florida during the summer months, Be it

Resolved that Article XIII Section 1 be amended as follows: "The Executive Board or any twenty-five members in good standing may present in writing to the President/Secretary a resolution to amend the Bylaws or Wage Scales. [Such Amendments may only be submitted between August 1 and March 1 of each year.]"


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