That Union Thing

Rights of Union Members Protected by Federal Law

Unions are only corrupt if their members allow it.

The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA), which can be found at , guarantees certain rights to union members, requires unions to make certain information publicly available, and allows the Federal Government to get involved when unions fail to fulfill their obligations to members.

Protection of the Democratic Process

Members are guaranteed equal rights to attend and participate in meetings and to vote on the policy of the union. At Local 655:

The LMRDA ensures that members have equal rights to nominate candidates for officers. Local 655 holds nominations by petition, and the only requirements are that a candidate be in good standing and obtain signatures of 5 other members in good standing. The LMRDA also guarantees members equal rights to vote in elections. Local 655 holds elections by mail ballot, which are sent to all members in good standing at least 30 days before election day. Elections are run by members, none of whom are running for office.

Protection of Free Speech

Members have the right to freely assemble, meet with other members, and express any views or opinions thanks to the LMRDA.

Protection from Fiduciary Misconduct

Protection from Improper Disciplinary Action

The LMRDA provides that members cannot be fined, suspended, or expelled (except for nonpayment of dues) without due process. At Local 655:

Rights to Access

A union’s financial reports are public record. In addition to the Department of Labor return mentioned above, as a nonprofit, a union’s IRS return is also public record. The LMRDA ensures that members have access to copies of collective bargaining agreements, and Local 655 bylaws guarantee members the right to inspect minutes and other financial records as well.


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