Double Times

Ask "What's it Pay?" Before You Play!

We got a couple of calls this month...different groups but the same problem. Musicians played a gig, and when they got a check a few weeks later, it was for less than they were expecting. We can never say this too much: ALWAYS ASK what the gig pays before you accept.

Even better, get it in writing (e-mail is good). If you later get paid less than you were expecting, we won't be able to help you unless there's some documentation (and a union contract will guarantee that you get paid right!)

Just a reminder as contractors start to send out contracts for next season...symphonic scales will go up on September 1. The 2 1/2-hour rate will be $110 and the 3-hour rate will be $132.

As always, please feel free to contact us with your questions. We always appreciate hearing your input.


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