Official Business

Annual Dues Increases Adopted

At the membership meeting on February 15 members by a narrow margin adopted an $18 annual dues increase for all categories of membership, effective July 1. This means that annual dues for the second half of 2008 will be increased by $9 for all members, even if you have already paid your annual dues in full. The increase will be due in July. For 2009, Annual Dues will be:

The proposal to increase work dues was defeated. Please contact the office if you have any questions. Thank you!


To all members, please note that it was learned after the meeting that the quorum requirement had in fact not been met and therefore the vote to increase dues has been declared invalid. The items on the agenda for the February 15 meeting will be placed on the agenda of the next membership meeting and, provided that a quorum is present, will be voted on again at that time.

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