Offical Business

Meeting Notice, Elections Notice, and Annual Dues Notice

Membership Meeting

The next membership meeting will be held:

Elections Notice

Nominations and elections for the following vacant offices will be held at a membership meeting on Monday, January 4, 2010 at 3 PM at Artserve:

Nominations will be taken from the floor, followed by a vote. The newly elected officers will take office at the conclusion of the meeting. If you are interested in being nominated you must be present or provide a written statement accepting the nomination prior to the meeting.

Annual Dues Payable in January:

You may also make semiannual payments by paying half in January and half in July. Please contact the office if you have questions, and please send checks to:

AFM Local 655
404 SE 15 St
Fort Lauderdale FL 33316

Please make sure you send checks to our new address! Thanks!


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