Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 14-1, January 14, 2014 at 11 AM, at Artserve

Meeting called to order at 11:37 AM. Present: Clippard, Kolcz, Apana, Corcillo, Kerley; Bermann, Holstein, Stanley absent.

MMC to approve minutes of December 19, 2013 meeting.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on correspondence from AFM RE upcoming recording negotiations; 2013 profit and loss reports as compared to the previous year.

VP Report: none.

President's Report: Clippard reported on visit to Porgy and Bess; upcoming meeting with Kleiman RE AFLCIO delegate duties; upcoming visit to Indigo Girls concert.

Committee Reports: none.

Special Orders: MMC to schedule meetings for 2/20/14 at 11 AM and for 3/2014 after membership meeting.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business: Motion (moved by Clippard) to propose wage scale increase of 4 percent; MMC to amend (moved by Kerley) to round to the nearest whole dollar; motion carried as amended. MMC (moved by Clippard) to appoint K Dixon and E Kolcz to scale committee.

Van Eck arrived at 12:17 PM.

MMC (moved by Apana) to schedule membership meetings for 3/20/14 at 11 AM; during the first half of June date TBA; and during the week of September 8, 2014, date TBA.

Good and Welfare: Discussion of Porgy and Bess production at KCPA. Discussion of upcoming elections.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:11 PM.