Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 15-4, 27 April, 2015, at Artserve

Meeting called to order at 3:57 PM. Present: Bertolet, Satterwhite, Apana, Dixon, Reskin; absent: Aron, Corcillo, Leon.

MMC to approve minutes of March 23, 2015 meeting.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on correspondence from a member RE Tortuga Festival soliciting unpaid musicians; AFM RE unfair list updates; AFM RE NWS fence negotiations; Devine RE educational rates; AFM RE organizing committee conference call. Apana reported on suspended members; attendance at Disneyland Band auditions; unreported recording sessions for artist Royce; plans to attend Broward Arts Council planning session and AFM organizing committee conference call.

VP Report: Satterwhite reported on receipt of Kravis Pops 2016 season dates; recruitment efforts; updating OC on BAA issues.

President's Report: Bertolet reported on plans to do summer planning to move the Local forward. Bertolet stated that it is in the interest of the Local and the Board that meetings start on time and are run efficiently, and that all Board members need to pitch in.

Committee Reports: none.

Special Orders: none.

Unfinished Business: MMC (moved by Reskin) to verify poll appointing Gottfried to Theater Committee. MMC (moved by Apana) to appoint Clippard and d Friend to Scale Committee. MMC (moved by Satterwhite) to appoint Apana as member of Scale Committee.

New Business:  none.

Good and Welfare: Discussion of possible grievance with PBO RE Chapo dismissal. Discussion of SFS unpaid wages status. Discussion of conducting membership drive. Michels arrived at 5:13 PM.

MMC (moved by Apana) to direct the Scale Committee to review cartage rates and research the possibility of establishing educational rates and report back to the Board. Satterwhite requested that Board members submit photos and bios for Local website. Apana solicited from the Board suggestions for issues to bring forward during his attendance at Southern Conference in June. Discussion of orchestra residencies. Bertolet noted that Bocelli wanted to record MSO performance at Miami Beach celebration and that waivers were requested of the musicians but that the recording did not take place due to complaints from the MSO and musicians.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM.