Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 15-10, 18 November, 2015, at Artserve

Meeting called to order at 1:59 PM. Present: Bertolet, Satterwhite, Apana, Aron, Dixon, Michels, van Eck; Reskin absent.

MMC to approve minutes of October 12, 2015 meeting.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on correspondence from AFM re SRLA negotiations; new MPTF application procedure; membership drive progress; MCB dues checkoff statistics; meeting with MCB musicians; IEB meeting in progress to discuss 655 orchestra residency request. Apana praised Dixon for her speech at meeting with MCB musicians. Apana remarked on the importance of high-level two-way communications in furthering the interests of the Local.

VP Report: Satterwhite reported on review of BAA rosters; discussions with musicians RE Master Chorale soundchecks; recruiting of Hector Rodriguez; discussions RE Mancini Institute and Lynn Phil performances at Boca Festival of the Arts.

President's Report: Bertolet reported on MISO wage payments; rumors of NYP residency in south Florida.

Committee Reports: Dixon reported on PBOOC meeting to prepare for negotiations, the engagement of B Owens as negotiator, and preparations for surveying musicians.

Special Orders: MMC to schedule meeting for January 7, 2016 at 11 AM.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business: The Board went into executive session to discuss FGO Lawsuit. Michels departed at 3 PM and Kleiman arrived at 3:15 PM. Discussion of establishing teaching scale. Discussion of requests from P Frank RE AFM Local assistance program; MMC to pospone further discussion until next meeting. MMC (moved by Apana) to appoint Kleiman to Casual Committee and van Eck to Symphonic Committee.

Good and Welfare: Bertolet noted the importance of the Local having a unified voice and asked officers to excercise care when speaking on behalf of the Local.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM.