Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 18-2, 28 February 2018, at Local 655 Office

Meeting called to order at 11:42 AM. Present: Reskin, van Eck, Apana, Aron, Bravo, Corey, Folse; Dixon, Kleiman absent.

MMC to approve minutes of January 3, 2018 meeting.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on communications from AFM re March film negotiations; SSD Dirctor Skolnick re meeting with NWS OC; AFM re Irma Relief Fund payment to member Bertie.

VP Report: van Eck reported on issues at SOA and actions of solidarity taken by musicians.

President's Report: receipt of written report. Reskin reported on meeting with BAA musicians and management; attending AFLCIO meeting and Workers Day of Action; communications received from SFS musicians re late payments and cancelled concert.

Committee Reports: none

Special Orders: MMC to schedule next meeting for March 21, 2018 at 12:30 PM.

Unfinished Business: MMC (moved by van Eck) to appoint Glansdorp, Hawley, Navarrate to Symphonic Committee and Mayone to Theater Committee. MMC (moved by Aron) to appoint Martinez to Scale Committee.

New Business: MMC (moved by Apana) to offer work dues amnesty to former members involved in FGO YouTube lawsuit who owe work dues: past due dues will be held in abeyance provided that they rejoin and maintain good standing for one year, after which time outstanding dues will be forgiven. MMC (moved by Apana) to appoint Apana, Bravo, Folse to PR Committee which shall review current promotional materials and draft one-page promotional pamphlet for Board review.

Good and Welfare: Discussion of conducting membership drive in 2019. Apana noted that Board members must maintain confidentiality and must be careful that of what they say in public and only speak in support of any officially adopted positions. Apana noted that it is important for committees to be active. Corey noted that Spectrum Studios is willing to give Local 655 members a discount. Folse departed at 12:45 PM.

Apana noted that Reid has not yet transferred his membership to Local 655 in accordance with AFM Bylaws. Bravo asked questions regarding royalty funds. Discussion of confusion over MCB pay and the lack of a paycheck breakdown detailing base pay, premiums, travel, cartage, etc. Apana will request that Devine send a detailed breakdown for Local review.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 PM.