Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 19-12, 30 December 2019, at Local 655 Office

Meeting called to order at 12:11 PM. Present: Reskin, Apana, Corey, Folse, Fuller; Aron, Kleiman, van Eck absent.

MMC to approve minutes of November 25, 2019 meeting.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on 2019, profit and loss, membership rolls, and 2020 budget draft.

VP Report: presentation of written report.

President's Report: Reskin reported on conversations with SOA musicians. Bravo arrived at 12:30 pm.

Committee Reports: none.

Special Orders: MMC to tentatively schedule board meeting for January 27 or 28, pending availability of absent members. MMC (moved by Apana) to approve operating budget for 2020.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business: MMC (moved by Apana) to appoint Apana and Reskin to trial board subcommittee to review and act on cases of delinquent work dues, subject to appeal to the full executive board.

Good and Welfare: none.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 PM.