REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Monday, January 4, 2010 at 3:00 pm

Artserve, Fort Lauderdale FL

Officers present: Apana. 16 members present.

The meeting was called to order by Secretary-Treasurer Apana at 3:22 PM. A motion was made by Scott Whitney to appoint Apana as chair; the motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Special Orders:

  • Apana opened the floor to nominations for the office of President (first delegate). Janet Clippard was nominated by Pierre Holstein. The nominations were closed and Clippard was declared elected by acclimation.
  • Apana opened the floor to nominations for the office of Vice President (third delegate). Cesare Turner was nominated by Janet Clippard (nomination declined). Arturo Oliva was nominated by Holly Ballard (nomination declined). Jerry Head was nominated by Janet Clippard (nomination declined). Pierre Holstein was nominated by Iris van Eck. Holly Ballard was nominated by Arturo Oliva (nomination declined). Eduardo Martinez was nominated by Bogumila Zgraja (nomination declined). The nominations were closed and Holstein was declared elected by acclimation.
  • Apana opened the floor to nominations for the office of Director (3 positions). Barbara Corcillo was nominated by Holy Ballard. Ed Kolcz was nominated by Janet Clippard. Eduardo Martinez was nominated by Pierre Holstein (nomination declined). Cesare Turner was nominated by Iris van Eck. Elena Alamilla was nominated by Bogumila Zgraja. Nominations were closed, a secret ballot election was conducted, and Corcillo, Kolcz, and Turner were declared elected.

Reports of Officers:

  • Apana reported on membership rolls and bank balances.

Unfinished Business:

  • A proposal was made by the Executive Board to amend the Bylaws as follows: "ARTICLE XVI AMENDMENTS Section 4. DATE WHEN A BYLAW AMENDMENT TAKES EFFECT: Amendments to the wage scale shall take effect sixty days after adoption, unless a later date is specified in the amendment. Contracts on file with the Local prior to adoption of wage scale amendments shall be honored at the rate in effect prior to adoption. on September 1st of the following year. " Discussion ensued, and the motion was adopted by a show of hands.

Good and Welfare:

  • Van Eck noted that the Local should visit schools to promote itself
  • Zgraja noted that the Local should send its literature to nonmembers as well
  • Clippard reported on her desire to increase the Local's presence in the community and to network with other unions and arts organizations
  • Zgraja noted that the Local needs to encourage musicians to unite as professionals and that teachers need to encourage their students to join
  • Clippard, van Eck and others discussed publicizing benefits of membership and increasing use of social media such as Facebook
  • Holstein remarked on the possibility of the Local offering talent agency benefits
  • Kolcz noted that the Local should encourage agencies to contact the Local first when seeking musicians
  • Corcillo noted that musicians use Right to Work laws as an excuse to enjoy the benefits of membership without joining or paying dues
  • Oliva noted that the Local needs to get the support of contractors in encouraging musicians to join the Local
  • Holstein noted that the Local needs to educate people about the union, possibly through online discussion forums or newsletter articles
  • Head noted that the Local needs to create a concrete list of benefits to promote
  • Zgraja noted the benefits of placing a listing on Craigslist
  • Kolcz informed members about the need for school solo and ensemble contest accompanists

Apana administered the oath of office to the newly elected officers.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:44 PM.


Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer