Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 16-6, 8 June, 2016, at Artserve

Meeting called to order at 11:05 AM. Present: Bertolet, Satterwhite, Apana, Aron, Michels; Reskin absent.

MMC to approve minutes of May 19, 2016 meeting.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on the status of the FGO lawsuit. Dixon and Kleiman arrived at 11:06 am.

VP Report: Receipt of written report. Satterwhite reported on meeting with BAA for annual review of roster and meeting with Oliva attorney re ULP settlement.

President's Report: receipt of written report. Bertolet reported that PBO negotiations have concluded. Van Eck arrived at 11:10 am.

Bertolet reported that the annual BAA roster review has concluded. He reported on a proposed setttlement agreement for the Oliva/FGO/PBS ULP. He reported that he has not yet received a response from MISO regarding a meeting and that he is reaching out to MISO musicians owed wages so that we can determine an extent of the wages owed.

Committee Reports: Dixon reported on PBO negotiations. Dixon and Van eck reported on identifying potential additional members for symphonic committee.

Special Orders: MMC to schedule next meeting for July 1 at 11am. MMC to schedule membership meeting for August 10 at 10am, followed by a Board Meeting.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business: MMC (moved by Apana) to appoint Busman to Casual Committee. MMC (moved by Satterwhite) to approve BAA roster updates.

Good and Welfare: Discussion of AFM convention recommendations and resolutions. Discussion of priorities to communicate to Paul Frank in advance of his return visit; priorities to include making the Local relevant, outreach to nonmembers, broadening representation particularly amongst recording and casual musicians, addressing the Mancini Institute competition. Discussion of Lindholm theater gig; Dixon requeted that we send a warning to members suggesting that they get wage confirmation in writing. Van eck noted that SFS is delinquent in advertising bills. Discussion of B Ross resignation. Apana reminded the Board about Rules of Order and waiting until they have the floor before speaking.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:02 PM.