Symphonic Shorts

Where’s My Paycheck?

Having problems getting paid for a gig? Here are some suggestions for what to do.

Under a Union Contract

Not on a Union Contract

Protect Yourself Next Time

Organizing for a Union Contract

Step 1: Get majority support for a union contract (usually by signing cards that only the Union, and NEVER the employer, will see).

Step 2: Request Union recognition

Step 3: Negotiate contract. Employer is compelled by law to negotiate in good faith with the Union.

TIPS: It is illegal for an employer to:

Employers cannot change conditions of employment during a campaign to secure Union recognition.

News & Announcements

Ballet Gamonet has been formed by former Miami City Ballet choreographer Jimmy Gamonet De Los Heros. They have received a $300,000 grant from the city of Miami for rehearsal and performance space. The inaugural season is scheduled for 2005.


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