Opus One Orchestra Announces Concertmaster Auditions

Application Deadline: May 14, 2012

Auditions to be held between May 17 and June 8, 2012.

Opus One Orchestra performs for the Miami City Ballet, and next season includes solos from Swan Lake, Opus 20, Tchaikovsky, and Duo Concertante, Stravinsky. The season begins in October, and ends in May, 2013. Experienced applicants should send a 1-page resume to Tim Devine at timsoundz@bellsouth.net.

Audition Repertoire:

1. Concerto: First 2 minutes of each movement from any standard Classical or Romantic concerto

2. Tchaikowsky Select any two of the following three excerpts:

- Sleeping Beauty Entracte No. 18

bars 1-22 and 2 before bar 50 to bar 61

- Swan Lake: Act 3 Black Swan pas de deux

reh. 45 to 15 bars before reh. 47

- Swan Lake: White Swan pas d’action

reh. 26 to 6 bars before reh. 31

3. Stravinsky Select any one excerpt by Stravinsky, such as:

- Saraband from “Agon” (first pas de trois)

- an excerpt from the Violin Concerto

- an excerpt from L’histoire du Soldat

- an excerpt from Duo Concertante

4. Two brief excerpts of your choosing from the standard orchestral repertory; one must be by Mozart.

Examples: Mendelssohn Scherzo to Midsummer Night’s Dream

Mozart Symphony No. 40, last mov’t exposition

Brahms Symphony No. 2, last movement opening

Mozart Symphony no. 35, first mov’t exposition

Strauss, R. Don Juan, beginning to letter C

Mozart Overture to the Marriage of Figaro, opening

5. Sightreading may be requested


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