That Union Thing

Employees of the Miami Herald and el Nuevo Herald have announced that they plan to unionize through the NewsGuild, a division of the Communication Workers of America.

Workers have seen the papers dramatically downsize, resulting in buyouts, layoffs, consolidation, and shrinking staff. If workers are successful, this would be the fifth McClatchy paper to win union representation.

The Trump administration has directed federal agencies to implement policies that would restrict unions in the workplace. The orders would limit time for workers to improve before being disciplined for poor performance and allow management more freedom in disciplining workers for alleged misconduct. The administration has already tried to limit bargaining topics and set time limits on negotiations.

Gig workers in overseas have formed the first unions representing delivery app workers. In Norway, Foodora delivery workers have formed a union, and in Japan Uber Eats couriers have formed a union. The unions hope to fight for safety, job security, and reimbursement for equipment used on the job. Foodora workers in Canada are also fighting for union representation.

Instructors at YogaWorks in New York City have taken steps toward union representation. The workers hope to address low wages, lack of benefits, and part-time work with no job security.

Google contractors in Pittsburgh, PA have voted to be represented by a union. Google workers in Zurich, Switzerland have also been meeting to discuss unionization. Workers are concerned about retaliation after reporting sexual harassment and pay equity.


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