Cliff's Notes

Back in the dark ages, a musician that I represented called me and asked if I would make their gigs Union. I had no idea what he was talking about. He explained to me that the guys in the band were making over scale wage and they would really like to put money into their pension fund. All I had to do was simply become a signatory to the Pension plan, cut one more check, and fill out an engagement report. It was really easy. I was now a Union contractor and it did not cost me any more money.

I would have never done the right thing if the musicians did not ask me. They didn’t demand it, they didn‘t threaten me, they educated me and they asked. Now all their gigs go under contract, their pension gets paid, and I have a new career. All they did was ask.

Sometimes just asking is not enough, it takes patience and maybe even a little push, but I believe you have to start by asking.

This month, I called two contractors to see what would happen if I just asked. The first contractor stated that the gig is not Union because there is not enough money and he already gave the buyer a quote. Obviously the contractor underbid the job and needs to work on his sales/scales chops. We have scales that are so low they are laughable. But we did start a dialog and maybe the next time he can get his prices up by $6 per player to make it a Union gig. I’m happy we spoke, I’m happy I had the chance to ask.

The second contractor I called three times, left three messages, and never received a return call. Then I read an article that raved and raved about a Hurricane Relief performance, put together by this contractor, using some of our most talented Union musicians. This is a very honorable thing for our best players to do, even if it was a dark date, but the performance was videotaped. The gig paid $100 without a contract. The bang for buck at this gig was incredible. How the contractor didn’t at least pay the pension just blows my mind. How the video got made without a contract is shocking. Why the contractor didn’t pay the pension on his next gigs, when it wasn’t for Hurricane Relief, blows my mind even more. Give a mouse a cookie and he will ask for a glass of milk. Why the contractor didn’t return my calls when I called him to try and get it under contract just kills me. I’m going to frame the article and put it on my wall. When the video hits eBay, I’ll remember how it got there and at what price, $100.

This leads me to ponder why my call was not returned. Maybe he doesn’t check his message machine. Maybe it was how I asked…I was probably too nice. Maybe I wasn’t pushing the right button. Maybe I need to be meaner and push some heavy buttons, naah, that's not my personality. I got it, maybe it would be best for a peer to call him. Someone on his musical level, somebody that deserves a lot more than $100 per service.  Any volunteers? Just asking. Something to talk about at our next membership meeting on December 20 at 7 pm, at the Local.

See Ya There,

Cliff Walker