That Union Thing

From AFL-CIO Work in Progress:

BEATING A BUSH LEAGUE ATTACK—Some 815 workers at Florida International University made their campus the latest of four in the state to restore collective bargaining with AFSCME. Florida’s unions were forced to run campus-by-campus campaigns to prove worker support after Gov. Jeb Bush (R) this year broke longstanding statewide university contracts and made the campuses “autonomous” with separate governing boards. Workers in the administrative, clerical and blue-collar units voted for the union Sept. 23 by a combined 4-to-1 majority.

 REGAINING TENURE—An overwhelming majority of 1,500 faculty members at Florida State University (FSU) on Oct. 8 voted to certify the United Faculty of Florida, a joint AFT and NEA affiliate, to represent professors and professional employees in contract negotiations with the university’s trustees. The union has represented the employees for years, but Gov. Jeb Bush (R) and the legislature reorganized the higher education system last year, forcing each campus chapter to recertify the union. The operational service employees (maintenance, custodial, groundskeeping, and construction employees) at FSU voted for AFSCME representation on August 22.