President's Report

Tentative Agreement Reached On Broadway

On March 7th, the Broadway musicians went on strike after negotiations had failed to resolve the major issue of minimums on Broadway. At the 11th hour, the actors and stagehands joined the musicians by refusing to cross Local 802’s picket lines. This was a huge victory for Union solidarity. We applaud the efforts of the actors and stagehands, the strength and courage that it displayed was enormous.

There is a lesson there for all of us that share our efforts in theaters and concert halls across the nation. Just as the corporations that are the “presenters” of “our efforts” have done by merging into conglomerates, we on the labor side need to do the same thing, and share the strengths that we have, by supporting each others’ efforts.

The next time you’re backstage and have the opportunity to talk with a stagehand, actor or dancer, please do so. It’s time we all realize that we are in a struggle for our economic lives, and we are in it together with our fellow “stage-mates”.

If you have friends that are working on Broadway, thank them for their efforts, because ultimately the stand they took will be beneficial to all of us in the long run.

Bravo 802!