Official Business


Tuesday, November 20, 2001; Polls open 9:00am to 8:00pm

Local 655, 2725 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood FL 33020

on Hollywood Blvd. 1 block east of I-95

Members needing an absentee ballot must submit a written request to be received no later than November 12, 2001. Please click here for a list of candidates and click here for campaign statements.

Wage Scale Amendments

The Wage Scale Amendments as recommended by the Scale Committee were ratified by the Executive Board, effective September 22, with the following amendments:

  • Year 1 will read "effective 9/22/01" and year 2 will read "effective 9/1/02"

  • Tri-county Mileage fee will remain at $15 for year 1 and rise to $17 for year 2

  • Steel drum cartage will increase to $10 for first drum but remain at $5 for each additional drum

  • Percussion Double "Latin or Ethnic" was changed to read "Hand Drum (Latin or ethnic)" and a new double, "Steel Drums/Pan" was added

  • All references to "rounded" or "rounded to the nearest dollar amount" were removed

  • Noncontinuous Casuals are now 45 minutes per hour (15 minute break per hour)

  • Year 2, 3-hour Symphonic Rate is now $118

  • References to "10% premium for reading from more than 1 part at a time" were deleted

New Wage Scale booklets will be available shortly, will be included in the new Membership Directory, and are available on our website.

General Membership Meeting

Date: Friday, November 30 at 2:00 PM

Location: Hollywood Playhouse, 2640 Washington St., Hollywood


Remove Office Clerk Language

Article IX. Section 2. (b) A printed ballot prepared by the Election Committee will be presented at the polls to each member in good standing who shall sign a roster of eligible voters prepared by the President [Secretary-Treasurer].

Article IX. Section 2. (c) The Office Clerk [Secretary-Treasurer or his/her designate] must be present at election headquarters throughout election hours and must furnish records to the Election Committee in any matter of dispute of eligibility.

Article IX. Section 2. (d) All offices of the Local shall be closed on election day and shall remain closed throughout the entire time that the polls are open. No member or officer of Local 655 shall have access to, or be permitted use of any part of Local business offices and/or any of their facilities except that part of the Local Headquarters designated as the polling area. The Office Clerk [Secretary-Treasurer or his/her designate] shall be the sole exception to this rule. His/Her use of his office shall be limited to the performance of those duties as defined in the preceding subsection (c).

Clarify Nomination and Election Dates

Article IX Section 1 (b) Nominations for all officers and delegates to Conventions and Conferences of the AFM shall be held biennially during the third [full calendar] week of September of each odd numbered year at a special membership meeting for that purpose alone. The meeting shall be held at the local headquarters or a central location approved by the Executive Board and shall be called to order at a day and time set by the Executive Board which shall avoid schedule conflicts as best as possible, regardless of any quorum requirement provided elsewhere in these bylaws.

Article IX Section 2 (a) Elections for all officers and the third and alternate delegate to Conventions and Conferences of AFM shall be held biennially during the third [full calendar] week in November of each odd numbered year at the local headquarters or a central location approved by the Executive Board, and, if possible, a satellite location in West Palm Beach, with the polls open between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The specific date shall be set by the Executive Board and shall avoid schedule conflicts as best as possible.

Vacation Time

Article VII Section 6. Any officer or staff member engaged by the local shall be entitled to two weeks annual paid vacation. [In their third and fourth years of service, they shall be entitled to three weeks annual paid vacation.] In their fifth and following years of service, they shall be entitled to [four] three weeks annual paid vacation.


Article VII Section 5 (k) The Executive Board shall have the authority to approve an Annual Budget which shall be presented by the Secretary-Treasurer at the January meeting [in the fourth quarter preceding each fiscal year]. They shall also approve all non-budget expenses over $200.

Student Membership

NEW ARTICLE V Section 1. Any student registered in an accredited school, college, or university may join the Local as a Student Member.

NEW ARTICLE V Section 2. Student members shall have all the rights and obligations of Regular members, and shall be subject to all Federation and Local rules, regulations, and Bylaws.

ARTICLE X Section 1. The initiation fee of the Local shall be the Federation Initiation Fee plus the Local Initiation Fee of $50.00 for Regular Members, [$0 for Student Members], and $0 for Youth Members.

Wage Scale Amendments

ARTICLE XIII Section 1. The Executive Board or any twenty-five members in good standing may present in writing to the President a resolution to amend the Bylaws or Wage Scales. Such [Bylaw] Amendments may only be submitted between August 1 and March 1 of each year. [Wage Scale Amendments may only be submitted between August 1 and December 1 of each year.]

Article XIII Section 6. A resolution [to amend the bylaws] having been adopted shall become effective immediately unless provided otherwise in the resolution. [A resolution to amend the Wage scales having been adopted shall take effect the following September 1].

Candidates for Local 655 Office

Office of President:

  • Peter Graves
  • Sonny Mange
  • Johnny Padilla
  • Brad Watson

Office of Vice President:

  • Lisa Fox (elected by acclimation)

Office of Secretary Treasurer:

  • Jeffrey Apana (elected by acclimation)

Office of Executive Board (6 positions):



Greetings Fellow Musicians,

I am honored to be running for the office of President. If elected, I pledge to execute the position with professionalism and defend our membership. I pledge to be available during business hours, to work closely with officers and staff to follow through on goals set by the Board, and to strengthen our ties with other unions. We currently have a recording representative and a casual representative - both of whom are doing an excellent job. I would encourage the Board to appoint a symphonic representative so that we can have equal success in this field. We have a bright, well-educated membership that is a huge resource of ideas and knowledge. I would tap into this resource and engage our membership to move local 655 in a direction that will most benefit musicians. I would work to increase our numbers and to bring our members closer in a fraternal bond. In a time when professionals and laborers are using fraternal organizations and unions to protect their rights, it is in our best interest not to be left behind. If elected, I pledge to work toward building a strong musician’s union.

Fraternally Yours, Johnny Padilla



My goals are: send out press release to the effect that South Florida Musicians are feeling local tourism recession; immediately address the loss of 100 members and apathy within members & non-members; immediately contact Miami City Ballet & Sunset Productions about their intentions to "replace" union musicians with student orchestras (FAU & FlU); Pursue Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) with Florida Classical Orchestra and Palm Beach Pops; Contact Miami Symphony / Manuel Ochoa and inform them that their current proposal to musicians is unacceptable ($100 less than last year with same services); contact New World Symphony management and musicians about union representation and insist on adoption of "special scale"; Contact Coral Springs Pops and insist on adoption of "special rate"; actively promote union membership using "new member reduced rate," new Officers & Board, & new flyer; as President I would request $2000 less than the current salary, provided that $2000 be used as a down payment on purchasing property for SFMA; work closely with Musician’s Exchange; propose anyone elected President would serve no more than 2 consecutive, 2-year terms; create a separate 501c3 non-profit cultural arts organization for SFMA.



The South Florida Musician’s Association, Local 655 has undergone many changes over the past decade. I have watched it go through many transitions and steadily grow into a strong voice for the South Florida musician. In order for this growth to continue unabated, its membership must be heard. Additionally, the organizations for which this membership works must not exist as isolated entities but as one successful, artistic community. I would like to represent my fellow musicians by running for a seat on the Executive Board. I have high hopes for the direction in which Local 655 is moving and it is up to us to further its growth. Please come out and vote this November!

Fraternally, Margaret Butler



My name is Jake Luger and I’m asking for your consideration for a position on the Executive Board of Local 655. I work part-time for our Union as the MPTF Representative. I’m a full-time "casual" musician in our community. I’ve recorded and produced music for 20 years, and have played symphonic music for 3 years.

I’ve contributed my energies to ground-breaking union efforts in Minnesota and Massachusetts. If elected, I will offer our membership energizing and creative ideas and solutions. I will be direct and assertive, focusing on effective action, and I’m interested in adding a "fresh" perspective to our Board on the direction of Local 655. I’ll be contacting you to ask for your support! I appreciate your consideration.


BRAD WATSON (see Candidates for President)