President's Report

… To Run Or Not To Run …

For personal reasons and due to business concerns and opportunities, there is at least a 50/50 chance that I will not be running for office this fall. This is one of the most difficult decisions I’ve faced in some time. On one hand, there are concerns in my own life that I have had to push aside in order to take care of the business at hand with the Local, and on the other hand, there are a number of unfinished objectives that need to be attended to.

While there is so much that is better since this team of hard-working elected officers have taken control of our Local from the Federation, it is extremely frustrating to have so many jobs still being performed by our members who are not filing contracts that would get them the benefits (i.e. pension, special payments, new use, etc.) they are entitled to. The fact is that the additional work dues generated would allow the Local to do so much more for its members. Remember the saying: "If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem."

I keep coming back to one thought, "you are the Union," if you have ever given any thought to "stepping up to the plate" and running for office in your Local, please give it some serious consideration.

… Boca Pops has new Personnel Manager …

Our congratulations to Matt Corey; we wish him all the best and offer him any assistance needed in his new position. I have met with and spoken to a number of members of the BPO and they are genuinely pleased with the selection. Good luck, Matt.

… Scale Committee submits its recommendations … Be There !!!

The Scale Committee (Tim Barnes, Neal Bonsanti, Eric Kerley, Ken Faulk, & Carol Naveira) worked very diligently to present to you their recommendations for the next two years. Look over the proposed changes in this issue and mark your calendars for this most important meeting. Please take the time to thank these individuals who have taken their valuable time to help serve their fellow musicians.

… We say good-bye to a friend and colleague … Leslie Bahler

Leslie Bahler, a member of your Executive Board and a violist in the Florida Philharmonic, is moving to Buffalo, NY with her husband Peter and their children. Those that have known and worked with Leslie will surely miss her. Leslie, we wish you and your family nothing but the best…stay warm and stay involved.

I’ll stay in touch…you do the same.