Official Business

Amendments to the Bylaws

The Following Amendments were passed by the membership at the 2/1/01 General Meeting

The Following sections were deleted:

The Following Sections were added
The Following sections were amended as follows:


The Membership voted to raise Annual Dues by $10. The new rates, effective 2/1/01, are:
Regular Member: $155  Life Member: $105 Inactive Life Member: $85

Please note that this means that even if you have already paid your Annual Dues for 2001, you will still owe the $10 increase. Due to the possibility of a change in Life Insurance Premium rates in July, this additional $10 will not be due until July and you will be reminded in a future issue of South Florida Musician of payment of the Annual Dues increase concurrent with the increase/decrease in the Life Insurance Assessment. Thank you for your understanding.