That Union Thing

"We would create much more work for many more members if we only would stand up for each other and say we will not be part of any productions that will be used to replace our brothers and sisters." (Jack Hegyi, Local 661-708)

"Yes, we have issues of great concern in our Local, such as members working below scale, nonunion recording dates among other things. Rather than throwing stones, let me make an appeal. I ask that we not use each other as the standard, but instead, each one make a personal commitment to DO WHAT IS RIGHT!" (Mike Avila, Local 389)

Why Union?

Nationally, the MPTF Program, which cofunds live performance, was created because musicians stood together. More recently, Provident Music Group signed the AFM Phonograph Record Labor Agreement because of pressure put on them by united recording musicians. Locally, members of the Florida Philharmonic, Boca Pops, and Miami Chamber Symphony have stood together to insist on fair working conditions and equitable pay. And members of the Palm Beach Opera are in the process of negotiating their first collective bargaining agreement because of the power of their unified voice.

You can make a difference

But there is a long way to go...south Florida is still a town of dark dates, orchestras without CBAs, casual dates without contracts, steady engagements at the mercy of the club owner. But if we stand together, we can make a change.