Trustee's Report

I have good news and bad news...the good news is that services have increased substantially. So much so that I am concerned over how we can continue to maintain these levels with the staff we have. We have had to put some planned developments on hold. My intent was to show members that this Local is still capable of providing services. We have not taken the position of, "File your contracts and show us your work dues, and then we will provide service." We felt it was more important to show you "less talk and more action." And that is what we have done.

We have made much progress, and now it is time for us to come to you and say, if you want us to continue to grow and create services and benefits, it is time for you to do your part. It is time for potential officers and board members to come forward. And equally important, it is time to start filing contracts and paying your share of the work dues. We are not talking huge sums; only a maximum 3½% for local activities.

And we are not talking about money collected from one industry being used to pay for services to another: we are talking about collective sums needed to pay for things like phone bills and much-needed staff as we continue to improve and develop. We are also talking about salaries for officers who will operate this Local .

Oh-did I forget legal counsel? In this day and age, the strength of an organization is in its legal ability to function in a world which deals with other legal counsel. So far, by calling in favors and pulling strings, we have managed to deal with this, with the exception of one grievance in which the Local, in the interest of providing protection for its members, went out on a limb to pay legal counsel.

There are more confrontations, grievances, and negotiations around the corner. We have to be sure we have the ability not only to address these, but also to win them. We have shown what we can it is up to you to make this an organization of unity that will be respected throughout not only the industry, but our community as well.