Trustee's Report

The results of the recent nominations meeting have catapulted the redevelopment of this Local into the next phase...Electronic Media.

While we can't change everything at once, we are now able to give the development of these services the same dedication and effort that was put into symphonic services. I have begun training a full time Electronic Media Representative. I am also improving the system for tracking the work filed in the Local.

Now it is time to re-establish communications with every one in the industry. One of the best reasons for this is the business of Recording Commercial Announcements. Many of the jingles recorded without an A.F.M. agreement could have been done under A.F.M. contract without the danger of losing the account. Some of these could have been converted right after the fact. This is something for all of us to think about......... We'll talk more later.

Why are the Major Recording Labels paying full scale wages, pension contributions, and Special Payments Fund contributions for Rock & Roll, Jazz, and Symphonic record productions and not for Latino recordings? Does this hint of discrimination?

How can the problem be addressed without placing the musician at risk of not being called to record again?

The Federation responded to the membership by aggressively pursuing the creation of Limited Pressing, Low Budget recording, and other issues in electronic media. Perhaps it is time for the Latino musicians to organize their voices with a message to the Federation to aggressively pursue ending the existence of separate Non-Union Latin subsidiaries and end discriminatory treatment of the Latino Recording Musician. Perhaps it is now time to pursue this...


To those of you who attended the October 31 those of you who were unable to attend but continue to support our efforts in rebuilding this myself, the staff, and the new officers...CONGRATULATIONS to all of us.

Of all the goals needed to be achieved before this Local can once again become one of the top ten in the Federation, this was the toughest...and with the exception of electing our most vital executive board, we have done it! The elections in December will complete this goal.

With our symphonic services program well in place, and with our officers preparing to take the "helm," our next goal is service for electronic media.

I have often been heard to say that "I am becoming more optimistic about this Local’s restructuring." We are now far beyond "optimism"; this has now become "excitement."

Congratulations all of you.