Double Times

By the time you read this, bankruptcy checks should be in the mail to members of the Florida Philharmonic. The final hearing will be on April 6, and the FPO has been directed to disburse funds no later than April 16. We expect the musicians to each receive on average over $12,000.

Arbitration against the Renaissance Chamber/Classical Orchestra will be held in the middle of April, and we hope to have progress on recovering the unpaid wages once that ruling has been made. The RCO has also been placed on the AFM International Unfair List, making it a violation of Bylaws for AFM members to render musical services to the orchestra.

Janice Galassi, AFM Director of Organizing and Education, will join us to meet with New World Symphony fellows on April 20, to introduce them to the AFM, and on April 21 we will visit Lynn University Students. Janice will also be available to answer members’ questions at the membership meeting on April 22.

The Palm Beach Opera Orchestra Negotiating Committee recently met in preparations for upcoming negotiations. Musicians will be represented by orchestra members Karen Dixon, Michael Forte, Greg Miller, Jennifer Potochnic, and Tina Raimondi, as well as AFM negotiator Chris Durham and Local 655 officers. Orchestra member input was recently solicited through a survey, the Opera’s finances have been reviewed by an accountant, and negotiations should begin soon.

Please contact us with your questions and concerns!