That Union Thing

Teamsters are protesting the outsourcing of Midwest Airlines pilots. In a deal with Republic Airways Holdings made last month, Midwest Airlines agreed to not only replace airplanes, but also replace Air Line Pilots Association pilots with Teamsters pilots. The Teamsters immediately protested, showing support for the ALPA pilots and calling the pilot swap "piracy."

The Teamsters are also protesting the Collier County (FL) School Board decision to outsource custodial services. The Teamsters are demanding impact bargaining to reopen contract negotiations and address the sudden change in working conditions the outsourcing would cause.

American Airlines flight attendants recently protested at Miami International Airport over poor working conditions. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants members argue that reduced flight schedules, crowded planes, and collecting fees for food and beverages lead to increasing challenges for them that need to be addressed.

The faculty at the Manhattan School of Music is organizing for union representation. The 152 teachers are upset over poor pay and lack of job security, and are seeking to be represented by either the New York State United Teachers or the American Federation of Teachers.

The 3000 Florida State University graduate assistants are also hoping for union representation. In addition to job security, graduate assistants hope to secure higher salaries and insurance benefits similar to other universities in the state.