Cliff's Notes

$2.73 per week, one hell of a deal

While chatting with members, I hear “…joined the Local because my parents were members”, “been in it since I was a kid”, “I had to join, to do a gig”, “did a recording session up north” and many other reasons, but very few members mention that they joined to take advantage of a good deal.

For roughly $2.73 per week the Local 655 membership offers us an amazing deal. For your $2.73 per week you get free web space to post your promotional information including photos, bios, song lists and music. This free web space is connected to advertising at ($900 value) and, the AFM’s national web site. Not to mention our new chat area that I personally know members who have scored gigs by visiting. All this for $2.73 per week.

The larger hotels in town like the Ritz, Breakers, Boca Resort, Eden Roc and soon many others are hitting bands up for $2 million of Liability Insurance to be able to play a wedding or private event at their hotel. For just $2.73 per week you can get a discount for Liability Insurance that will blow your mind. I’ve priced it on the street at a cost of $2500 per year, but the Union discount can bring it down to as low as $475. That’s a huge discount! All this for $2.73 per week…WOW. You can also get discounts on equipment insurance, music software, instruments and much more.

For $2.73 per week Steve Roitstein, our Recording Rep, will help you track down Recording Session, Jingle, or New Use payments that you may have missed. I’ve seen him reel in thousands that members never knew they were owed. Steve can also get you a free copy of Contract Creator ($129 retail) if you’re filing B-4 forms. Not to mention, the Federation negotiates National Recording contracts on your behalf. All this for $2.73 per week.

Our Pension Plan is GREAT, your fraternal brothers are watching over it, and it is PBGC insured! At age 65, the defined return on your money today is roughly $3.50 per month for every $100 you have in the plan. If you do some research you will find that the plan is in the top 100 of Employer-Paid Pensions. It is well worth it for you to poke at your bandleader a little to file Union contracts and get the employers to pay pension. Working solo? Ask us about the LS-1…it’ll help you get that pension paid. Take advantage of the $2.73 per week, and you’ll be happier, wealthier, and wiser at 65.

Speaking of Union contracts, for $2.73 (plus some work dues), every contract a leader signs comes with an attorney attached to it. Stop and think of the amount it will cost to take the father of a bride, club owner, or corporation to court for stiffing the orchestra. It is much easier to tell your band members that “we got stiffed” but you had a contract filed at the Local and our attorneys are handling it. For just $2.73 per week (plus work dues).

MPF (Green Sheet) gigs are a bit difficult to get the hang of, but once you do it, it is a great way to increase your income or create a gig where one did not exist. All the paperwork required is located at your Local 655 and is free for the taking. We are there to help you work through the rules to make your MPF gig a reality.

If a CBA or a negotiation is needed, for just $2.73 per week we will bring in the big guns from New York, call the attorneys, sit at the table, put on a suit and tie, whatever it takes, to get the job done.

As an extra bonus, you get a subscription to International Musician magazine and access to These amazing resources are included in the $2.73 per week… you just can’t beat it.

Obviously if you’re reading this you’re a member, so why am I shooting my mouth off about this great $2.73 per week deal? You know that non-Union friend, sitting next to you on the gig? Tell them about it. Let them know that it’s not all work dues and rules. There are real benefits to Union Membership that can help their pocket. If s/he joins, you get a $20 credit toward your membership which makes YOUR deal even better. Spread the word, it will make YOUR Union larger and stronger. $2.73 per week, one hell of a deal.

Have a great summer! Cliff.