Miami-Dade Helps Workers Collect Unpaid Wages

If you are one of the musicians who waited months to be paid by Miami Symphony or Sunshine Pops, or are still waiting to be paid by South Florida Symphony, there may be help for you. In addition to filing a claim in small claims court, for work performed in Miami-Dade County, you also have the option of enlisting the County's support in collecting unpaid wages.

Miami-Dade County Commissioners approved a wage theft ordinance in 2010. The ordinance gives the county legal authority to help workers recover back wages. The Federal Department of Labor receives about 50 complaints in Miami-Dade every day, and it is expected that about a third of those could be handled by the county. Active enforcement of the ordinance might also lead to collection of unpaid employment and workers' compensation taxes.

The ordinance requires workers to be paid within 14 days (or 30 days if agreed to in writing). Workers who are owed at least $60 and have not been paid within the required time may file a claim with Miami-Dade County Department of Small Business Development. More information and claim forms may be found on the County's website: