Official Business

Meeting Notices:

Bylaw Amendments/Wage Scale Ratification:

Officer Nominations:

Please mark your Calendars now!

Notice: Officer Nominations

Positions subject to nomination:

President/Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer, Executive Board (6 positions)

To be eligible for nomination, you must be present at the meeting or present a written, signed statement of acceptance of nomination to the President/Secretary prior to or at the meeting, as per Bylaws Article IV Section 1 (d).

AFM Convention Report

Both President Graves and Vice President Fox were in attendance this summer, and have highlighted the following accomplishments made by the Convention delegates:

  • Formation of a Health and Welfare task force which will explore means to provide health insurance for freelance musicians

  • Creation of a Presidential Assistant to assist freelance musicians

  • Creation of a Presidential Task Force for Public Relations and Marketing

  • Training/Education programs for Local Officers

  • Procedures to remove Local Officers (rather than revoke charter) if a Local is not providing minimal services

  • Prohibiting Local Officers from acting as Personnel Managers and prohibiting contractors from establishing wage scales

  • Opened AFM Symphony-Opera Strike Fund participation to more ensembles; increased benefits for participants

  • Opened AFM Theater Defense Fund participation to ensembles that do not qualify for participation in the AFM Symphony-Opera Strike Fund

  • Support for the STAR campaign

  • Removed the Bylaw allowing the AFM to bill members for attorney fees/collection costs when pursuing a claim on a Federation-negotiated CBA.

Full details of the Convention will appear in International Musician and are also available by calling the Local. Please call the Local for availability of the 1999-2001 AFM Bylaws.

Scale Committee Report

The committee has completed revisions of the Wage Scale Booklet. A summary of the proposed changes is enclosed with this newsletter; the committee recommends adoption of all proposals.

The Local wishes to thank committee members Leslie Bahler and Holly Ballard, chairs; Tim Barnes, Neal Bonsanti, Matt Corey, Kenny Faulk, Kurt Hagen, Chris Glansdorp, Laura Miller, Ted McDermott, Julienne Purefoy, and Simon Salz for their time and effort!

Please plan to attend the Wage Scale Ratification Meting on 9/23/99 at 2:30pm at the Days Inn Hollywood, 2601 N 29 Ave.


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