Membership Benefits

Have you submitted your information to the AFM National Booking Agency,

AFM Entertainment is now accepting registrations from AFM members who are solo artists or leaders of self-contained bands and ensembles. 

Our collective success depends on a strong online presentation. To apply, you'll need professional photos, quality audio, a good video, and a well-written bio.

Sign up today - simply login to AFM Entertainment.

How It Works

1. Find out what you'll need to submit your Act, such as photos, audio clips, etc.
2. Get started. You don't need to fill everything out all at once.
3. When you've finished, submit your Act to AFM Entertainment for approval.
4. If everything looks and sounds good, your Act will be ready to be booked on AFM Entertainment. If not, we'll send it back to you with specific requests.

Submission Requirements

AFM Entertainment welcomes submissions from all AFM members, in every genre of music. Because we're primarily an online booking and referral service, our collective success depends on a strong presentation - every Act on the website needs to look and sound great.
By this, we simply mean that you need quality audio, professional photos, good video, and proper spelling and grammar in your bio.

Materials You'll Need:

• At least one high-quality, professional photo.
• At least one good video, uploaded to YouTube.
• At least three distinct audio samples. (Our site will automatically clip them to 30 seconds.)
• A bio for the Act, minimum 100 words and with correct spelling and grammar.
• Your song list or repertoire.

AFM Entertainment reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any submitted materials. If your submission doesn't meet our criteria, it will not be listed on AFM Entertainment (or available for booking). However, we'll let you know what the problem was, you're free to resubmit materials at any time.

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